That's one of my favorite quotes. Ford Prefect. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Also one of my favorite books, ten out of ten recommend...

But to the point. I have become utterly shitty at doing things in a timely fashion. Other than the essential. I feed my nearly one year old babies on time. I do my work at my job, to the best of my ability, on time. I feed my dogs and cats on time. And that's it. The completion and continuation of any and all other tasks is virtually random.
I've become incredibly horrible and responding to text messages in a timely fashion. I can see a new message, not have a free hand or minute to respond and the next thing you know, three months have passed... It's quite embarrassing.
All this to say, I've got several REALLY GOOD posts in the queue that are all half written. And they have been for at least three months. I've got one on pumping, Netflix specials to get you through pregnancy, misc. advice pieces, the list goes on. I'll finish them at some point, but in the meantime it was easier to write a post about not writing the posts that I want to write about.
Also, the girls turn one year old in two days. That's nuts. I don't know how time works anymore. I feel like it was just last week, but also like ten years ago. And I'm afraid, this is how the rest of my life will feel. Time moves at a different, non-linear, pace now. This is motherhood. I'm momming at a breakneck pace and there is no end in sight. And I'm good with it.
Anyway. I just needed to vent, or prove that I still want to write. And I do, and I will get around to finishing the posts I have queued up.
Carry on. Talk soon.