I happen to have professional level photo retouching skills. It started back while I was studying for my animation degree. I had to take an beginner level Photoshop class, where we learned the basics of color correction and retouching, and I was hooked. I've had to tweak so many photos for my job, ranging from erasing trash on the ground to switching peoples' faces from one photo to another.
I've come to realize that many of our family photos will be composited images, sewn together scraps of different pictures, forming a memory greater than the sum of its parts.
Squirmy babies make for blurry photos. Twins make for mismatched facial expressions. I've already had to create some 'Frankenstein' photos, that otherwise seem like lucky shots where everyone is smiling at the camera.

The trick is matching the lighting, and not going overboard with the retouching. I'll brighten the colors, deepen the shadows, switch the odd body part or two and blend it all together. The best part is knowing we have decent photos to share with family and friends.
One day I hope to get more creative with our photos though. Once the girls are bigger and can voice their opinions, I'll let them choose what special effects they want me to include.
A long time ago, maybe ten years ago already, I happened upon a photographer who took photos of their kids laying flat on the floor and built different imaginary scenes around them using fabric and other props. I could not find the specific photos I was thinking of, but the photo to the left demonstrates the style I'm thinking of.
I found another photographer who photoshops his daughter into dangerous situations, while looking for the previously mentioned style. I don't think this is a particular theme I would pursue, but the idea is neat. It wouldn't be difficult either. I'm sure there are ways for me to utilize this "photoshop the adult out of the image" style, I'm eager to brainstorm the possible stories I could tell using this technique.
Additionally this superhero in pajamas photo is great as well. I'm can imagine creating Starfire and Raven or Supergirl and Batgirl duo photos.
All three reference images are links to articles with galleries of additional works. I highly recommend checking them out, they're all very inspirational. While I'm trying to cherish these babies as they are, a part of me is very much looking forward to playing with them and creatively collaborating on what kind of art we can make together, including unusual and imaginative family photos.